Guiding Principles

Creating Alignment & Making Purposeful Decisions

The Identity Statement and six Big Ideas were based on extensive community input and provide a framework to guide decisions and investments.

Identity Statement

“We value diversity, safety, family, and service. We respect our history, citizens, military, and institutional partners - and we aspire to bring all of us together to make Killeen better incrementally, every day for everyone.”


Resource stewardship and fiscally responsible growth ensure a more prosperous community for the long haul.

It is important to grow in manner that ensures the city will have sufficient financial and nature resources to serve its residents now and in the future.

It is our shared responsibility to establish a positive culture and environment that people want to be a part of.

Cultivating a strong community identity and culture of collaboration requires commitment to the community’s shared vision and clear, consistent, and transparent dialogue between the City and residents.

A truly local business ecosystem is self sustaining.

Local businesses grow community wealth, contribute to the culture, and establish a foundation for a strong local economy. Developing a strong network of local educators, entrepreneurs, businesses, investors, and small developers makes it easier to start, run, and grow a business and build affordable housing to keep and attract more people to Killeen.

Everyone deserves access to a safe, affordable, and efficient mobility system that allows them to move freely and easily throughout their community.

Improvements must be made to make streets safer and provide more mobility options for those not able to get around by car.

Neighborhoods, not subdivisions, make great places for everyone.

Complete neighborhoods contain a diverse mix of housing, local scale commercial, and public space options within an easy walk or short drive so that people of all ages, interests, and means can survive and thrive.

Vibrant downtowns are valuable places.

A community’s downtown and surrounding neighborhoods are the heartbeat of a city’s culture and critical to the city’s fiscal health. Killeen must make reinvesting in downtown and north side neighborhoods its highest priority.